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This website was first published in 2020 by Yellow Ladybugs and The Department of Education and Training Victoria.

The copyright in this website is owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training), or in the case of some materials, by third parties (third party materials). No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, the National Education Access License for Schools (NEALS) or with permission. An educational institution situated in Australia which is not conducted for profit, or a body responsible for administering such an institution, may copy and communicate the materials, other than third party materials, for the educational purposes of the institution. No liability shall be attached to the author, the copyright holder or the publishers for loss or damage of any nature suffered as a result of reliance on the reproduction of any content published on this website or any errors or omissions in its contents. Stock imagery using models are used throughout this website for illustrative purposes only. This website has used person-first language (autistic girls) and identity-first language (autistic girls) interchangeably to respect the various views in the community.